Frequently Asked Questions
Advantage Group Inc. has curated the following list of commonly asked questions. If you have a question that is not listed below or prefer to chat to one of our representatives directly, please refer to the ‘Contact Us‘ page.
As an essential service, we are open during this time. The health and safety of our staff, clients, and the community are of most importance to Advantage Group Inc. With following the advice of local public health authorities, employees of our company are actively screened for symptoms of COVID-19 before the start of each workday. Additionally, all employees of Advantage Group Inc. are provided with suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and are trained to ensure each job site is properly cleaned and disinfected before and after work is completed.
Our services include a combination of full or partial painting, refinishing, repair and replacement of walls and ceilings, flooring repairs and installation, repair and replacement of kitchen and bathroom cabinets, doors, fronts, hardware, countertops, faucets, fixtures, and associated plumbing, electrical components, railings, and miscellaneous accessories and trim, along with other services and work typically encountered during renovations and repairs. Please visit the ‘Our Services’ tab or contact us for more information.
Advantage Group Inc. has provided a wide range of plumbing and general contracting services to residential, commercial, and industrial clients across the City of Hamilton, Halton, Haldimand, Niagara, and the Greater Toronto Area. There is no job too big or too small. Please visit the ‘Contact Us’ tab and fill out the contact form to get your next job quoted.
We are happy to help provide you with a quote for your next project! Please visit the ‘Contact Us’ tab and fill out the contact form to get your next job quoted.